Monday, November 06, 2006


Maintenance Monday

Whilst I may be imaginary, my ego is very real (and rather inflated according to Angela, Maribel, Colette, my boss, my co-workers, and most of the other people I know). Thus, I was checking out my Technorati link to ascertain what blogs have been kind enough to include links to Fantastic Spanking. This led me, in addition, to notice a couple of sites that were nice enough to include me in their list sites that participated in the much-anticipated "Love your Lurkers" day.

As a result of this investigation, I have discovered more fine spanking writers, and have taken the opportunity to add them to the list of Frank's Faves, located on the left margin.

The new links are:

These are all quite well done blogs and, as such, have been awarded the Frank Spanko Seal Of Approval.

I recommend that, if you have not done so already, that you take a moment to puruse these blogs, as they are all quite fantastic.

Hey, Frank!

I appreciate the real link from a fake site. Out of nowhere there was a new site on my Came From list that was second only to Bonnie's Smart Bottom in referrals.

I've started looking over your blog and I love the concept. I'm so mired in the real world that it never even occured to me to make up my blog out of whole cloth.

Thanks again and I'll be adding a link back to you later this evening.

Dearest Bbobb -

I thank you for you kind words. I must correct you on one thing. The Fantastic Spanking site is totally, 100% real. It is not a fake site.

I, on the other hand, am the fake one.


Please excuse me. I was either confused, imprecise or under the influence of politics at the time. I will encourage to do better in the future.


Obviously, doing better is something I need even more work on. Encourage to do better? What was I thinking?

Go bbobb go! You can do better!

Argghh... I meant I will endeavor to do better.

bbobb (twice embarrassed and looking for a convenient rock to hide under))
My dearest Bbobb -

Perhaps I have a solution. I shall encourage you to do better.

If you don't, I shall have to spank you.

Hi, fake Frank!

Thanks for the recommendation and the link. Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress on my plan to visit all of the participants in LOL day, so this is my first trip here. Won't be my last, though -- I've added you to my blogroll.

Happy spankings! SuZQ
I visited your site during the delurk last weekend, but not only failed to bookmark it, but I neglected to comment as well... I think! But I'm taking care of both of those now. Of course, if you think it merits punishment... I'll be in the corner! ;)
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