Sunday, April 01, 2007


More On What Makes A Spanko

Allow me to summarize my last little essay, so that today’s entry will be contextual.

1. There are some aspects that almost everyone can find pleasurable.

2. Spankings are painful (I’m adding this for the sake of clarity).

3. No one likes pain.

Given these three statements, how can anyone like to be spanked? For spankos to be spankos, that is, for us to seek out, nay perhaps even crave spankings, then we must therefore choose to look beyond the pain and focus on the pleasurable.

Given this, then why do we spankos choose to look past the pain of spankings when non-spankos prefer to avoid the pain and therefore the spanking?

Some have suggested that this is genetic, i.e. that we are “born with it.” I’m not sure that I agree, at least entirely. This seems to be just a little too simple, or too random. I think that perhaps the genesis of a spanko is much more complicated.

Let’s look at several factors.

First, there are multiple things during your basic spanking that, taken individually, are quite erotic. There is the position, with one’s posterior thrust outward. There is submitting to a more dominant individual. There is contact to the buttocks region, which is an erogenous zone. There is the factor of building anticipation.

Secondly, there is a curiosity factor. If one is willing to wait until the pain resides, there is a reward in the after-effects.

Third, there is a desire to try new things. This also fits into the curiosity factor.

Fourth, there is a tendency to open-mindedness. Some might think that one who likes to be spanked is somehow abnormal. But others are either not inclined to think that way or are willing to look past the perceived abnormality in order to experiment with spanking.

Finally, I believe there is what I like to refer to as the “young discovery” factor. Allow me to present an example. I have been fanatically following the sport of baseball for almost as long as I can remember. From elementary school to junior high to high school, I watched baseball, read about baseball, played baseball, collected baseball cards, went to baseball games, and did many other activities revolving around baseball. My greatest regret in my life is that I was never talented enough to be a center fielder in Major League Baseball. Was I born with this love of baseball, or was it factors such as the city I was raised in, my parents interest in the sport, a neighborhood field where all the kids would gather most every day in the summer to play? I suspect that it was moreso the latter.

I suspect that my love of all things spanking was similarly obtained.

Just like I cannot pinpoint the exact time in my life that I became interested in baseball, I cannot identify the exact period in which I became a spanking enthusiast. However, my willingness to experiment and explore as a youngster more likely developed both loves.

Why spanking, you might ask, and not, for example, a preference for feet? That is a legitimate question, and difficult to answer. However, it would be equally difficult to answer the question of why I love baseball and not, for example, hockey or golf, since both of those sports are also very popular where I grew up. I believe that, with further examination, I could probably come up with satisfactory questions for both questions.

Could there be some genetic factor involved? Probably. Perhaps curiosity is something that one is born with. Perhaps it is a particular nerve configuration in one’s posterior that might make a spanking unbearable for one and painful but pleasurable for another. Those will have to be discussions for another time. For now, I conclude that, for the most part, spankos are made, not born. One becomes a spanko more by environmental factors than by hereditary. These factors are likely not the same for any two people, but with examination, I believe that all of us can identify a number of events in our lives that, taken together, have led us to adopt spanking as a hobby or lifestyle.

Now that I’ve dedicated three blog entries and a considerable amount of thought to this subject, there remains one question:

Does it really matter?

To be completely honest, I really do not care why I am a spanko.

That fact that I am is fantastic.

Based on personal experience, I cannot agree that it doesn't have much to do with birth. I was spanked maybe twice when I was little (alas, I can only remember one specific time) and it wasn't any more than a few swats to my clothed backside. Only one of my friend's parents spanked, and never in front of (or in earshot) of me. My being a spanko came kind of out of the blue when I was in first grade (the first time I remember it). I can't think of anything that would explain any of my various kinks except that it is somehow genetic (makes me wonder about my parents sometimes). And while I can think of one or two small instances that perked my interest in spanking, they are nothing that would've changed anything if I wouldn't have already had the "spanko gene" somewhere in me. Jsut my two cents.

My dearest Lee -

Thank-you for your opinion. I may very well be "spanking up the wrong tree." After all, it seems clear that a person's sexual orientation, homo- or hetero-sexual, is something that one is born with, rather than being a conscious choice. It is entirely possible that other sexual proclivities are inherited as well.

I gave up tryin' to figure this whole thing out i.e. the origins of how/why i'm into this.

I'm just trying to embrace it and enjoy the kink/fetish/interest/hobby :)

Great site btw!
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