Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Time To Lurk No More

Whilst I may be, as the old saying goes, a day late and a dollar short, I felt that I could not use that as an excuse to not participate in what has become known as "Love our Lurkers" Day. As you probably know, Love Our Lurkers Day is an annual event whereby we, the spanking bloggers of the world, both real and imaginary, ask you, our loyal readers, to take a moment and leave us a comment to say "hi."
Bloggers love comments. It makes us feel famous. Some may disagree with that statement. They say that they just want some feedback to know that someone is actually reading what they write. However, there are tools that we can use that assure us that many people at least are stopping by for a look. What we really want is someone to say "Hey, I know you! You're that imaginary spanking guy! I love your stuff" (or words to that effect). We crave recognition. We desire to be noticed. We'll even settle for the occasional bitch, as in complaint (for those of you who may have thought I was referring to something else).
Today is the day to give us what we crave the most, besides a spanking. Especially if you are not given to leaving feedback, we ask you, the viewing public, to leave a word or two. It does not have to be much.
As a way of offering a helpful suggestion, if you are not sure what to write, you could simply say what kind of spanking that would be most appropriate for me, Francis Spanowiak, imaginary spanko and blogger extraordinaire, to recieve. No reason is necessary. Leave as many or few details as you wish. As an added incentive, I will request of my lovely wife, Angela, that I receive that spanking, although I shall not tell her from where I obtained the suggestion.
So, please, take the opportunity to comment here, and at other fine sites that are participating in Love Our Lurkers Day. I'm sure that you will find the experience fantastic.
I'm no lurker, but I am delighted that you chose to join our LOL effort!
Virtual Hugs,
Thanks so much for dropping by Spankful Delight and commenting. I am enjoying your blog and I think your comment idea is a great one. I assure you I will back, right now typing is tough, I broke a finger on my left hand and I am left handed.
I think the premise of your blog is terrific.
Purple Angel
One day late with your "Love our Lurkers" assignment. That will be the cane, six of the best trousers down.
All the best, Prefectdt
I had no idea that this blog existed until I spotted your comment on Adele Haze’s blog, and followed the link. I think the idea behind this blog is brilliant. (This is true.) Keep up the good work. :-)
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