Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A Warm Butt For A Cold Day

Something about the onset of cold weather seems to reduce my spanking libido.

Thinking logically, one would assume that it would be just the opposite. The chilled air seems like the perfect time for a nice, warm bottom.

However, we spankos are not a logical bunch.

When the days get short and the skies get gray, I just seem to lose my enthusiasm. Perhaps in a previous life, I was a bear (imagine that, a spanko bear), finding a nice, comfy cave or hollow tree and spending the winter in cozy hibernation. I’m not a skier, a snowmobiler, or a hockey player. I cannot even ice skate. I don’t fancy spending the day standing over a hole on a frozen lake, waiting for a cold fish to gnaw on my line. I like being warm all over, not just on my butt.

Although Angela is not a fan of winter sports, she does enjoy the winter months because she loves to make a nice fire, put on her oversized wool sweaters, crawl under a blanket, and watch movies, read, or listen to music. She also absolutely adores to spank and be spanked. If Angela had her druthers, she druther spend the entire winter with a red rear.

Fortunately for me, this attitude can be contagious.

Take this morning as an example. It was a dreary, chilly morning. I rose early, anticipating a busy day of work. I grumbled whilst waiting for my tea to steep. I growled at my oatmeal. I was in a generally foul mood, and was contemplating returning to bed. After shipping Colette off to school, my darling wife began her preparations. She made quite the production of baking a coffee cake, choosing a movie, and pulling out the blankets, and started a fire. Then she appeared at the door of my office (recall that I work at home), wearing one of her sweaters. And nothing else.

“Why don’t you grab your laptop and join me in front of the fire,” she said. I mumbled something unintelligible. She grabbed my arm, pulled me up, undocked my laptop, and urged me to come with her. Growling and grumbling, I went with her. Even watching her cute little bare butt strolling before me did little to lighten my mood.

I have installed wireless network access throughout the house, so I plopped down on the sofa and returned to my drudgery. After a few minutes, the telephone in my office rang. I cussed, since I had not thought the bring the phone with me.

“Just let it ring,” Angela said. “You have voice mail, let them leave a message.”

I groused something about having to be responsible. At this point, Angela said, “Someone here needs a spanking.” At this point, she produced a wooden hairbrush, seemingly out of thin air. Sometimes I think that she carries a hairbrush in her, well, let’s just say in a spot where my two children resided for nine months. “Let’s go, buster!” She said, pointing to her lap.

I was not really in the mood to be playful, but when my love calls me “Buster” I know that she means business. Besides, she can read me pretty well so I trust her to take care of me.

It was not a long or a hard spanking. Angela tugged down my sweat pants (no sense getting dressed up to work from home), and began with a few fairly soft taps. They only stung a little, and instantly made me feel warmer, so I relaxed somewhat. She gradually increased the intensity, then wrapped up with about a half-dozen real sizzlers. When she concluded, she gave my butt a nice rub. I felt much better and less grumpy. She was right. I did need a spanking.

Afterwards, I made more tea, and we enjoyed the coffee cake. Then Angela snuggled up against me and she watched her movie as I watched my laptop. The day suddenly seems more pleasant. I no longer wish to return to slumber. Despite the poor weather, I feel much better.

You might even say that I feel fantastic.

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