Monday, December 24, 2007


The Obligatory Christmas Post

Ah, ‘tis the season. Maribel and Colette are here, and they’re not even fighting with each other. We have a roaring fire going, although it is a gas fireplace. Santa Claus is making his last pre-flight plans. There’s even a little dusting of snow on the ground, although the dumping that we received last weekend has melted. I believe that I’ll pour myself a glass of Bailey’s Irish Cream, sit down on the sofa, put my feet up, and fall asleep to whatever sappy movie the girls and Angela will pop into the DVD player.

Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, earlier today I was able to watch the last couple of Maribel’s basketball games. It seems that her school is able to make digital video recordings of all of their games, and then copies them to DVD for the players to take home and “study.” They’re supposed to watch for where their teammates are in certain situations so that they’ll have a better court awareness during future games. However, Maribel and I pop open a couple of beers and watch them to make fun of the other team.

Oh, my. I have a daughter who is old enough to drink legally. She graduates from University in May. She is (shudder) sexually active. And, she is a spanko. I must add that I know the last two details having been informed about them by her mother. Maribel feels that she can be open and honest about her sexuality with Angela, and they share plenty of “girl talk.” Thank goodness she doesn’t share those details with me. The thought of some man doing “those things” to my precious little girl, and, even worse, the thought of her throwing her legs up or pointing her rump at him and asking for “those things,” makes me want to lock her in her bedroom until she’s 35. Sigh. Fathers can be like that, I guess.

Did I mention that my little girl is over six feet tall with shoulders like a lumberjack, and that she’s a pre-season all-conference basketball player, and a center, no less?

Still, Maribel is a wonderful daughter. Case in point, she’s sharing Christmas dinner with us tomorrow night, and the boyfriend will be with his folks. Afterwards, they are going to rendezvous and view the traditional Christmas movie at one of our local theatres. Maribel was kind enough to ask Colette to come along as a chaperone so that she could spend more time with her little sister before she has to return to school for basketball practice. What that means is that, after cleaning up from the yuletide meal, Angela and I will have the house to ourselves for a few hours. And that can only mean one thing.

A Christmas Spanking!

Hopefully, my butt will be as red as Santa’s suit before the night is over.

Here’s wishing all of you a Fantastic Christmas and a joyous holiday. May you get all the spankings that you wish, and may all your spankings bring you great pleasure!

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