Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Frank's Brain Un-Freezes
I must again apologize for my extended absence from this here blog. I have been very busy with physical therapy as well as working on the computer on some projects for Angela. My recovery from my butt injury and subsequent surgery has been coming along well enough, although maddeningly slow for my tastes. I can now walk pretty well with just the assistance of a cane, but it often feels like my legs are mere toothpicks that are trying to hold up a pallet full of lead bars. However, the doctors say that my progress has been better than average "for a man my age," i.e. old.
I have also been at a loss for subjects upon which to write. I haven't felt like delving into a long story, and I don't really wish to bore you with the mundane, day-to-day details of the Spanko household, especially ones that are not spanking-related. I have started several posts on spanking in general, but they did not seem to go anywhere so I have never finished them.
Then I came upon a "meme," or list of questions upon which to answer in one's blog, on the site by the lovely and talented Bonnie. It contained fifty questions exploring one's spanking preferences. Many of the questions were of the "either/or" type, such as "Who would you rather spank, Ginger or Mary Ann?" (This questions is not actually on the meme, it is just being used as an illustration). Although Bonnie's answers were interesting and enlightening, I must admit I felt that, to a certain extent, she cheated. Rather than answer "I'd rather spank Ginger," or "I'd rather spank Mary Ann," Bonnie often answered, in essence, either "both" or "neither." I felt that this was skirting the purpose of the meme, which is to thoroughly explore one's appetence toward spanking. Therefore, for this reticence, I respectfully ask Bonnie's fine and faithful husband to give her a good spanking.
By the way, if you don't know who Ginger and Mary Ann are, you are either too young or too smart to be reading this blog. Please leave now and explore something more suited to your age or intellect.
For the rest of you, I will entertain you with my answers to the afore-mentioned 50 questions. However, I, too, will cheat, at least a little. While I will attempt to answer each question, the meme has given me much food upon which to expound. Therefore, I will not attempt to answer all 50 questions in one sitting, but rather take my time and delve more deeply into why I answer as I do. This may give me fodder for 50 posts, although I will surely have questions where my answers are shorter than others, so I'll combine multiple questions in some posts.
This should give me things to write about until at least Thanksgiving if I am lucky.
Also, if you think that I should be spanked for cheating, I shall respectfully acquiesce and and request that Angela do so. I wouldn't want to disappoint my readers, who are the finest blog readers on the Internet, imaginary or otherwise.
To begin, I thought that I should respond to the query that I posed above, namely:
"Whom would you rather spank ... Ginger or Mary Ann."
I would rather spank Mary Ann. Those little denim shorts of hers were just dying to be pulled down. Mary Ann was spunky enough that she may have possibly enjoyed being spanked, and with her agricultural background, she could probably take some good swats without carrying on. Besides, Ginger was a painted bimbo who thought her ass was butter. She may have deserved a spanking, but that wasn't the question.
I shall begin the actual meme tomorrow. In the meantime, you can see the questions and read Bonnie's responses here. In addition, here a couple of other brave souls who took the time to answer.
I have also been at a loss for subjects upon which to write. I haven't felt like delving into a long story, and I don't really wish to bore you with the mundane, day-to-day details of the Spanko household, especially ones that are not spanking-related. I have started several posts on spanking in general, but they did not seem to go anywhere so I have never finished them.
Then I came upon a "meme," or list of questions upon which to answer in one's blog, on the site by the lovely and talented Bonnie. It contained fifty questions exploring one's spanking preferences. Many of the questions were of the "either/or" type, such as "Who would you rather spank, Ginger or Mary Ann?" (This questions is not actually on the meme, it is just being used as an illustration). Although Bonnie's answers were interesting and enlightening, I must admit I felt that, to a certain extent, she cheated. Rather than answer "I'd rather spank Ginger," or "I'd rather spank Mary Ann," Bonnie often answered, in essence, either "both" or "neither." I felt that this was skirting the purpose of the meme, which is to thoroughly explore one's appetence toward spanking. Therefore, for this reticence, I respectfully ask Bonnie's fine and faithful husband to give her a good spanking.
By the way, if you don't know who Ginger and Mary Ann are, you are either too young or too smart to be reading this blog. Please leave now and explore something more suited to your age or intellect.
For the rest of you, I will entertain you with my answers to the afore-mentioned 50 questions. However, I, too, will cheat, at least a little. While I will attempt to answer each question, the meme has given me much food upon which to expound. Therefore, I will not attempt to answer all 50 questions in one sitting, but rather take my time and delve more deeply into why I answer as I do. This may give me fodder for 50 posts, although I will surely have questions where my answers are shorter than others, so I'll combine multiple questions in some posts.
This should give me things to write about until at least Thanksgiving if I am lucky.
Also, if you think that I should be spanked for cheating, I shall respectfully acquiesce and and request that Angela do so. I wouldn't want to disappoint my readers, who are the finest blog readers on the Internet, imaginary or otherwise.

"Whom would you rather spank ... Ginger or Mary Ann."
I would rather spank Mary Ann. Those little denim shorts of hers were just dying to be pulled down. Mary Ann was spunky enough that she may have possibly enjoyed being spanked, and with her agricultural background, she could probably take some good swats without carrying on. Besides, Ginger was a painted bimbo who thought her ass was butter. She may have deserved a spanking, but that wasn't the question.
I shall begin the actual meme tomorrow. In the meantime, you can see the questions and read Bonnie's responses here. In addition, here a couple of other brave souls who took the time to answer.
- The Cookie Jar
- Angel Brat's Blog
- Jflame's Spanking Blog (Part 1 and Part 2)