Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Meme Begins ... Question One
1.Would you rather be spanked outside in a cold woodshed or inside by a cozy fire?
The cozy fire scenario is about as pleasant as it gets. However, there are many factors that add to the titillation of the woodshed. First is the cool air flowing around ones normally-covered regions, which also gives a sense of being outdoors. Second is the naughty factor, mainly that a woodshed can be considered a somewhat "public" place, in that it is not the privacy of one's own home. This leads to the possibility of being caught "en flagrante spanko." Thirdly, there are the role-playing possibilities. When one is "taken to the woodshed," it is implied that they have done something that has highly displeased the person who is taking you there. This allows the spanker to take complete charge of the situation, and the spankee to adopt one of a number of attitudes ... repentant, petulant, rebellious, etc. Woodshed spankings are always received bending over with ones pants around ones knees or ankles, perhaps draped over a sawhorse or workbench. Finally, woodshed spankings are typically harsh. They are not just a few taps that leave one's behind stinging mildly. They are good, hard spankings, dealt out with a sturdy board, a stout strap, or perhaps switches or a rod. They are meant to be remembered, so they are painful, and leave one's behind very red and sore, perhaps with some residual marks or bruises. Afterwards, the sex is fast and breathless, with both parties partially clothed. The male, be he the spanker or spankee, is probably standing, and his partner is either bent over or has her arms around her man's neck and her legs around his torso while supports her with his hands firmly holding her buttocks. Afterwards, you're both sweating and panting, so you catch your breath. You remember that there is a chill in the air, so retrieve your clothes, quickly dress, and leave the woodshed, arms around each other's waists, smiling. You exchange a kiss, and then return to what you were about prior to the incident that precipitated the trip to the woodshed.
Angela and I have played out this scenario a time or two. At our abode, we do not have a woodshed, per se, but we do have a tool shed. While it is rather small and crowded with, well, tools, a spanking can be managed with a little judicious organization. We will sometimes use the guest house and pretend that it is a woodshed. Although it lacks the atmosphere of a woodshed, it does have plenty of amenities and many of our spanking implements, so we can let our imaginations carry a spanking session to all sorts of interesting places.
We did once actually spank each other in a woodshed. When Maribel was in middle school, her class planned a camping trip at a large, local farm. We were volunteered to chaperone, so we went over the day before the trip to check on logistics. The owner of the farm was telling us where to find various items, and he noted that, if we wanted to make a camp fire, that there was wood in the woodshed. He left us to explore, and, naturally, we explored the woodshed. Much of the wood was not taken directly from a felled tree, but was rather scraps of lumber from construction projects and lumber yards. It was all cut into manageable lengths, so there were plenty of flat planks just perfect for using on round behinds. We gave each other a few good swats over our jeans, and then Angela, suppressing a giggle, said, "I told that the next time you got into trouble at school I was going to take you out to the woodshed! Now here we are!" On her orders, I proceeded to lower my drawers, place my hands on one wall, and stick out my bare butt, at which time she gave me about 25 nice, hard swats that burned very well. I stuck out my lip in a pretend pout as I pulled up my pants, but we had to postpone the breathless sex since we still have several items to work out before would leave, and we didn't wish the farmer to wonder where we were.
So I have never actually played out the above woodshed scenario. Yet. But Angela and I are always on the lookout for the appropriate structure at the appropriate time, at which time one of us will indeed be "taken to the woodshed!"
The cozy fire scenario is about as pleasant as it gets. However, there are many factors that add to the titillation of the woodshed. First is the cool air flowing around ones normally-covered regions, which also gives a sense of being outdoors. Second is the naughty factor, mainly that a woodshed can be considered a somewhat "public" place, in that it is not the privacy of one's own home. This leads to the possibility of being caught "en flagrante spanko." Thirdly, there are the role-playing possibilities. When one is "taken to the woodshed," it is implied that they have done something that has highly displeased the person who is taking you there. This allows the spanker to take complete charge of the situation, and the spankee to adopt one of a number of attitudes ... repentant, petulant, rebellious, etc. Woodshed spankings are always received bending over with ones pants around ones knees or ankles, perhaps draped over a sawhorse or workbench. Finally, woodshed spankings are typically harsh. They are not just a few taps that leave one's behind stinging mildly. They are good, hard spankings, dealt out with a sturdy board, a stout strap, or perhaps switches or a rod. They are meant to be remembered, so they are painful, and leave one's behind very red and sore, perhaps with some residual marks or bruises. Afterwards, the sex is fast and breathless, with both parties partially clothed. The male, be he the spanker or spankee, is probably standing, and his partner is either bent over or has her arms around her man's neck and her legs around his torso while supports her with his hands firmly holding her buttocks. Afterwards, you're both sweating and panting, so you catch your breath. You remember that there is a chill in the air, so retrieve your clothes, quickly dress, and leave the woodshed, arms around each other's waists, smiling. You exchange a kiss, and then return to what you were about prior to the incident that precipitated the trip to the woodshed.

We did once actually spank each other in a woodshed. When Maribel was in middle school, her class planned a camping trip at a large, local farm. We were volunteered to chaperone, so we went over the day before the trip to check on logistics. The owner of the farm was telling us where to find various items, and he noted that, if we wanted to make a camp fire, that there was wood in the woodshed. He left us to explore, and, naturally, we explored the woodshed. Much of the wood was not taken directly from a felled tree, but was rather scraps of lumber from construction projects and lumber yards. It was all cut into manageable lengths, so there were plenty of flat planks just perfect for using on round behinds. We gave each other a few good swats over our jeans, and then Angela, suppressing a giggle, said, "I told that the next time you got into trouble at school I was going to take you out to the woodshed! Now here we are!" On her orders, I proceeded to lower my drawers, place my hands on one wall, and stick out my bare butt, at which time she gave me about 25 nice, hard swats that burned very well. I stuck out my lip in a pretend pout as I pulled up my pants, but we had to postpone the breathless sex since we still have several items to work out before would leave, and we didn't wish the farmer to wonder where we were.
So I have never actually played out the above woodshed scenario. Yet. But Angela and I are always on the lookout for the appropriate structure at the appropriate time, at which time one of us will indeed be "taken to the woodshed!"
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Thanks for the link! I was pleased to see traffic from you. I haven't been here in a while, but I'll be back more often. I've linked to you also.
My Dearest Spanky -
You're Welcome. I was disappointed with the demise of your previous effort, so I was quite pleased to discover your newest piece of the internet. I greatly enjoy your writing, so it was a pleasure to add you to my list of favorites.
I appreciate the link. I add new favorites to my work because I like them, not because they link to me. I suspect that you do the same, so I hope you enjoy my humble writings.
It is understandable that you haven't look in on Fantastic Spanking recently ... I haven't really written that much lately. I hope I can remedy that so that you can visit more often.
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You're Welcome. I was disappointed with the demise of your previous effort, so I was quite pleased to discover your newest piece of the internet. I greatly enjoy your writing, so it was a pleasure to add you to my list of favorites.
I appreciate the link. I add new favorites to my work because I like them, not because they link to me. I suspect that you do the same, so I hope you enjoy my humble writings.
It is understandable that you haven't look in on Fantastic Spanking recently ... I haven't really written that much lately. I hope I can remedy that so that you can visit more often.
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