Thursday, August 27, 2009
Question 2: Public or Private?
2. Would you rather be spanked in public or in private?
An interesting question indeed, as there is some ambiguity involved. By "public," does the questioner mean a public place where others are likely to witness the spanking, such as a sidewalk or a parking lot? Or does "public" simply refer to any place that is not behind closed doors and involves only the two individuals involved in the spanking, with minimal chance of being seen or overheard? Should one's backyard be considered "public" or "private?" What about is isolated outdoor woods? Is a spanking party considered "public" or "private," or would it depend on the size or the venue? Is a hotel room considered "private," even if the walls are thin and those in adjoining rooms would clearly be able to overhear the spanking?
Obviously, "public" and "private" are not absolute terms. In order to adequately answer the question, I should first provide my criteria upon which I base my answer.
So, for the purposes of this question, I shall define public as "any place where there is a reasonable chance of being seen or heard by others not directly involved in the spanking." Based on this definition, a spanking in front of another couple in your living room would be considered "public." Conversely, any place where there would either no chance or only a remote chance of being witnessed would be considered private. Thus, a spanking in a remote woods would be considered private unless it was a place where people often passed by. This clarification still leaves some situations potentially unaccounted for, such as if one person were spanking several others, or two couples were playing together. However, I believe some of those instances are covered in subsequent questions, so I believe that the above definitions are sufficient.
With that groundwork laid, my answer is that I prefer to be spanked in private. While there are some interesting aspects to being spanked in front of an audience, and there some libidinousness in "hiding" in a public place such as a restroom or storage closet where there was the possibility of being caught, I would be completely mortified if someone were to inadvertantly witness a spanking between Angela and I. Indeed, it quite puts me off.
I have, on the odd occasion, participated in a spanking in which others were involved. Indeed, I have written about a some of them. However, the vast majority of the spankings between Angela and I are alone. The reason for this is quite simple and common: our spankings almost always lead to sex. If you prefer the slightly more technical term, we use spanking as foreplay. We will sometimes use spanking as aftplay, too, but that is a topic for a different discussion. We often will use the spanking to explore new forms of arousal, or we'll extend that arousal by making the spanking longer and harder than originally planned. Being alone allows us to test different sensations by using different intruments and different positions. So to be spanked whilst others witness would probably necessitate postponing the sex, which to us almost defeats the purpose of spanking in the first place.
To summarize, while I may occasionally dabble in a public spanking, I much prefer to do my spankings alone with my darling wife.
An interesting question indeed, as there is some ambiguity involved. By "public," does the questioner mean a public place where others are likely to witness the spanking, such as a sidewalk or a parking lot? Or does "public" simply refer to any place that is not behind closed doors and involves only the two individuals involved in the spanking, with minimal chance of being seen or overheard? Should one's backyard be considered "public" or "private?" What about is isolated outdoor woods? Is a spanking party considered "public" or "private," or would it depend on the size or the venue? Is a hotel room considered "private," even if the walls are thin and those in adjoining rooms would clearly be able to overhear the spanking?

So, for the purposes of this question, I shall define public as "any place where there is a reasonable chance of being seen or heard by others not directly involved in the spanking." Based on this definition, a spanking in front of another couple in your living room would be considered "public." Conversely, any place where there would either no chance or only a remote chance of being witnessed would be considered private. Thus, a spanking in a remote woods would be considered private unless it was a place where people often passed by. This clarification still leaves some situations potentially unaccounted for, such as if one person were spanking several others, or two couples were playing together. However, I believe some of those instances are covered in subsequent questions, so I believe that the above definitions are sufficient.
With that groundwork laid, my answer is that I prefer to be spanked in private. While there are some interesting aspects to being spanked in front of an audience, and there some libidinousness in "hiding" in a public place such as a restroom or storage closet where there was the possibility of being caught, I would be completely mortified if someone were to inadvertantly witness a spanking between Angela and I. Indeed, it quite puts me off.
I have, on the odd occasion, participated in a spanking in which others were involved. Indeed, I have written about a some of them. However, the vast majority of the spankings between Angela and I are alone. The reason for this is quite simple and common: our spankings almost always lead to sex. If you prefer the slightly more technical term, we use spanking as foreplay. We will sometimes use spanking as aftplay, too, but that is a topic for a different discussion. We often will use the spanking to explore new forms of arousal, or we'll extend that arousal by making the spanking longer and harder than originally planned. Being alone allows us to test different sensations by using different intruments and different positions. So to be spanked whilst others witness would probably necessitate postponing the sex, which to us almost defeats the purpose of spanking in the first place.
To summarize, while I may occasionally dabble in a public spanking, I much prefer to do my spankings alone with my darling wife.